Sunday, July 3, 2011

Going into Surgery by Mack

Raven says: Jul 02, 2011 6:02pm

So my doctor and I are talking about surgery. It would help me to get to a weight I can deal with. Everyone is really pushing for it, including my boyfriend. I know they just want what is best for me, but I'm scared. I have bad reactions to so many things, what if something happens during the surgery.Everyone I've been talking to just keeps telling me to stop being scared and just do it already. Am I just worried over nothing or am I normal with my concerns?
Mack responds: Jul 03, 2011 2:14PM

If you are doing it not for better health, but more so for what others want you to do, than yes your nervousness is normal. You have to do things especially as life changing alternatives as a matter that "you" want to. It's your body and its your choice, so others have no say so, but if you choose to go forward with it, than the consequences "good or bad" is what you have to live with, so don't blame others for your own personal call. If this is your own personal call than you should feel comfortable moving forward because its something that you want.